
《找你妹》英文版来袭 李漫荻才艺大展示

来源:红网综合 作者: 编辑:周为 2013-09-17 13:31:35

《找你妹》英文版来袭 李漫荻才艺大展示

(《找你妹》英文版来袭 李漫荻才艺大展示)

  《Take me fly》是李漫荻亲自填词并演唱的《找你妹》英文版,与之前的中文版歌词不同的是,李漫荻用倾诉的方式表达了对爱与梦的理解。如果说《找你妹》是“不是治愈系的治愈系”,那么《Takemefly》就是“最温情的治愈系”。诉说了女生对爱的追求,对美好生活的向往,不再做“爱情上的乖乖女”,大胆说出爱情宣言。《Take me fly》的发布,李漫荻摇身变成“追梦女神”,大展才艺一口气填完英文歌词,一改人们在《找你妹》中熟悉的调皮形象,以才女的形象重新回归到大家面前。重新编配的曲风,让人眼前一亮,好听而时尚,引领着时尚的潮流。
  《Take me fly》不仅描述了当代女性对爱情的追求,也透露了人们对温暖生活的渴望,李漫荻再一次为当代女性发声,为爱为梦发声。她表示希望大家一如既往的喜爱《找你妹》,也多多关注它的的英文版《Take me fly》。


  Taking the night,kissing like first time
  Wondering why,you said goodbye
  You stole my heart,you drove me crazy
  Now after all you try to leave me behind
  You want to hold me,you call me baby
  I thought you love me,stand by my side
  You've stuttered lately,you play game with me
  You said you're sorry that you wasted my time
  Every time when you crossing into my eyes
  Move to the music you're starting to shine
  Lose all control with you,dance in the light
  We've got the power, we're wild tonight
  Come on baby,take me fly, hold me tight
  Come here, go there,make you mine
  Take me fly,close your eyes
  Forever just you and I
  Take me fly,hold me tight
  Anytime anywhere,love is blind
  Take me fly,make up your mind
  Love me till end of the time
  You want to hold me,you call me baby
  I thought you love me,stand by my side
  You've stuttered lately,you played game with me
  You said you're sorry that you wasted my time
  Every time when you crossing into my eyes
  Move to the music you're starting to shine
  Lose all control with you,dance in the light
  We've got the power,we're wild tonight
  Come on baby,take me fly,hold me tight
  Come here,go there,make you mine
  Take me fly,close your eyes
  Forever just you and I
  Take me fly,hold me tight
  Anytime anywhere,love is blind
  Take me fly,make up your mind
  Love me till end of the time
  Come on baby,take me fly,hold me tight
  Come here,go there, make you mine
  Take me fly,close your eyes
  Forever just you and I
  Take me fly,hold me tight
  Anytime anywhere,love is blind
  Need you baby,take me fly,make up your mind
  Love me and don't make me cry
  Love me till end of the time


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